The deadline to apply for the 2025-26 school year was January 21, 2025. You can still submit an application for September 2025 by submitting a post-deadline application beginning on February 24; however, your application will be placed on a waitlist and will not be eligible to be entered into the lottery. Review our Family User Policy Manual to learn more about this year’s process.
Results for applications submitted by January 21st for the 2025-2026 school year will be released on February 7th. Check your email and your Apply Philly Charter account on that day. If you receive an offer on February 7th, you will have until February 21st to accept your seat. Applicants can only accept one seat at a time for the 2025-2026 school year.
Renaissance (neighborhood) charter schools accept applications on a rolling basis. If your assigned neighborhood school is a charter school, you can still apply for the 2025-2026 school year by submitting a post-deadline application. Eligible applicants will be offered admission on a first come, first served basis based on seat availability. Most other schools do not have space for this school year and you will be placed on the waitlist. Please check which participating schools are accepting applications here.
The Family User Policy Manual was created to provide parent friendly information on the technical and operational systems for the Apply Philly Charter and related topics pertaining to charter school.
Ready to apply but still have some questions about the application process or about charter schools? See the Apply Philly Charter FAQ.